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Bodie Ghost Town Essay
 Use your StudentID and password to sign in to for the link to the video and the directions for the essay.  IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE ASSIGNMENT, CLICK ON "SHOW ALL ASSIGNMENTS".  (This happens when the "Complete Assignment" button has been clicked before you have completed the work.)
Harriet Tubman Video Quiz
Use your StudentID and password to sign in to for the link to the video and the quiz questions.  IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE ASSIGNMENT, CLICK ON "SHOW ALL ASSIGNMENTS".  (This happens when the "Complete Assignment" button has been clicked before you have completed the work.)
Harriet Tubman Background Essay Questions
Harriet Tubman Greatest Achievement Essay
Using the 5 Documents, select the achievement that you think was Harriet Tubman's greatest.  Think about the Risk involved, the Time it took, and the Number of people she helped.  
Write a 5 part essay: 
     a: State your opinion of her one greatest achievement
     b: Provide evidence from the Document (risk)
     c: Provide evidence from the Document (time)
     d: Provide evidence from the Document (people helped)
     e: Restate your opinion
Immigration and Migration Studies Weekly #11
Use your StudentID and password to sign into  Find Week #11 and use the articles to complete the chart (main article on inside of paper: Migration + Immigration = Growth) and questions 1-6 on the Assessment page.
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