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Dear Parent,


I will be implementing a web-based curriculum called MobyMax as a standing homework assignment for Social Studies.  MobyMax is tailored to the concepts and standards we will be learning in the classroom, and I think you will be very impressed by how fast your child will excel while using Moby.


Students should work on the assigned lessons for an average of 10 minutes per day.  This can be done literally for 10 minutes Monday through Friday, or can be done for two days at 25 minutes each, or one day for all 50 minutes, etc.  The idea is so that it fits into your busy weekly schedule and homework from other classes.


Besides social studies, MobyMax offers lessons and resources in many other subjects.  Students are able to access these other subjects as they please, but ONLY Social Studies work will count towards the homework average.


I hope you and your child find the lessons to be fun and stimulating.  Students, take your time and work carefully!  If you do not pass the assignments with at least 75%, the lesson will be repeated.  Your goal is to move through the lessons and keep on course!


Your child can access Moby from your home computer, , tablet, ipad, and many other devices at any time.  If you currently do not have access to the Internet, visit your local library and they will help you to sign in and complete the assignments there.


Login steps for [Student]

1.  Please go to
2.  Enter School Code: [mi1337]
3.  Enter
Password: [Capital First Initial/ lowercase last initial /two digit birth month/ two digit year/ 01 for boy 02 for girl

For example: Kerrie Yax's birthday is December 11, 1970, the password would be: Ky127002]


Once logged in, your child will immediately start the lessons and begin improving his or her missing skills. 

You can sign in as a parent as well by selecting "As a Parent" and entering your child's username and password.  You will be able to monitor your child's progress and even send messages to me.


Ms. Yax  (code: mi1337)


6501 W. Outer Drive

Detroit, MI 48235



313-651-2401 (FAX)


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Student Passwords

Whenever possible, students' usernames and passwords consist of their Student ID number for the username, and the password is made up as follows: First initial Capitalized, last initial lowercase, two digit birthday month, two digit birthday year, 01 for boys or 02 for girls.


Example Password for Kerrie Yax born December 1970 would be: Ky127002

(K is capital, y is lowercase, 12 for December, 70 for 1970, 02 for girl.)

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