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Fourth Grade Parent Letter (syllabus)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Kerrie Yax, and I am honored to be your child’s 4th Grade Social Studies teacher this year at FLICS. I’d like to thank you for your continued faith and support in Detroit Public Schools Community District and in FLICS. I am an alumnus of DPS (Renaissance High School 1989) and would not want to teach anywhere else! As for my qualifications, I am a Highly Effective, Highly Qualified Certified Teacher with a Master’s degree from U of M (Go Blue!). I have family that live all over the world and I enjoy traveling and visiting them, and bringing back wonderful things to share and teach to my students. We will have a wonderful journey and experience together this year.

I will be utilizing the New Proposed Standards based on the C3 Framework from the Michigan Department of Education for the Fourth Grade throughout the school year (available at:


The materials used will consist of the DPS required textbook: Our Country and Its Regions and the accompanying skills practice book; Lessons from Social Studies 4 (OS/MAISA); In Our Own Image: An African American History (Peoples Publishing Group); Michigan Magazine; Studies Weekly Magazine, and various websites which are accessible from home as well including, but not limited to: Discovery Education, Flocabulary, History Channel, and Moby Max.

Supply List:

  • About 3-5 sharpened** pencils EVERYDAY (mechanical lead pencils are okay too)

  • 1 spiral notebook that should be brought to school and taken home DAILY (STUDY THE NOTES!)

  • 24 Count box of Crayola Crayons

  • A highlighter

  • Headphones for computer (to be kept in locker or classroom until needed)

**Students will be given Class Dojo points for being or not being prepared with supplies each day, so PLEASE bring SHARPENED pencils every day!

Throughout the year we always need the following items if you are able to donate, that would be greatly appreciated:

Tissue, paper towel, hand sanitizer, wet cleaning wipes

PLEASE do not send the following:

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Markers

  • Calculators

  • Rulers

  • Toys

(These items can become lost, stolen, or broken, and can be a distraction in the classroom. For projects in which these items are needed, they will be provided. PLEASE keep the items donated by Mike Morse Law Firm at home to use with Homework.)

Uniforms: Students are expected to wear school uniforms everyday (unless otherwise informed in writing for special occasions like “free dress” days.) Outdoor jackets and coats may not be worn in the classroom (The classroom can get cool at times; see information about sweaters below).

Uniforms should be:

  • White, collared polo or oxford style shirts (boys’ tucked in at all times)

  • Navy blue pants with belt, or for girls, navy blue knee-length skirts

  • Non-flashy shoes, plain Tennis shoes, or solid black school shoes

  • Navy blue, black, or white sweaters (NO HOODS, NO HOODIES)

  • Navy blue, black, or white socks, tights, or stockings

INFO: I keep up a WEBSITE on which you will find all of this information, homework assignments (so lost homework is NEVER an accepted excuse!), and other important information. Please check there often:

HOMEWORK: Homework will consist of lesson study guides and notes in spiral notebook, monthly reading assignments, Moby Max Website lessons, and projects. Directions, due dates, and expectations will be sent home with the assignments and will be posted on my website. Late assignments will lose 10% the first 2 days, then will not be accepted.

Parent Teacher Conferences: There will be two official Parent/Teacher Conference dates: November 1, 2017 and March 28, 2018. These are typically by invitation only (more information to follow). You may contact me any time by DPSCD email:, or by ClassDojo (information sent home separately). Also, you have access to Parent Portal which allows you to view all assignment grades and comments. You may get the log in information from the main office. Parents are expected to check Parent Portal and ClassDojo at least weekly. Pulse Progress Reports are sent home approximately every other week to keep you informed of your child’s progress also.

Grades will consist of assessment scores (independent work, tests, quizzes) making up 70% of the overall grade, classwork is 20%, Homework 5%, and Participation (attendance and effort) 5%. Students that are absent are responsible for acquiring missed work and have two days to complete any make up assignments to avoid losing credit towards grades.

Grading scale: is a percentage scale calculated by the number of points earned divided by the number of points available. 90-100 % = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 59 and below = F. There are no “redo’s” or replacement assignments unless agreed upon in advance and approved by the principal.

Book Reports: A book list will be sent home within the first week or two from which students may choose to read for a graded book report. There will be several books and report formats from which to choose. Students will need to select one book per quarter to read and complete a report. More on this to come.

ClassDojo and Parent Portal: Information will be sent home regarding Parents and Students sign in information for ClassDojo. Parent Portal and Student Portal login info must be obtained through the main office. Be sure to get signed up and check in weekly!

Curriculum: We will begin Semester 1 with Our Country and its Regions Volume 1 which covers: The 5 Themes of Geography; Our National Story (Michigan’s involvement in the growth of the United States and the American Revolution, War of 1812, and Civil War); The United States Government system, the land, and the people; and Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilites.

Semester 2 (around February), we will switch to Volume 2 and learn about the land, people, and economy of the 5 Regions of the United States.

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Student Passwords

Whenever possible, students' usernames and passwords consist of their Student ID number for the username, and the password is made up as follows: First initial Capitalized, last initial lowercase, two digit birthday month, two digit birthday year, 01 for boys or 02 for girls.

Example Password for Kerrie Yax born December 1970 would be: Ky127002

(K is capital, y is lowercase, 12 for December, 70 for 1970, 02 for girl.)

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