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Actions and Reactions leading to American Revolution Test: 12/12/17

Actions and Reactions of the American Revolution (TEST December 12, 2017)

For each event, be able to match what happened, and be prepared to explain how the other side reacted.

  • Event

  • What Happened?

  • Reaction


  • Proclamation of 1763

  • The British would not allow colonists to settle west of the Appalacian Mountains.

  • Colonists felt their rights were violated and that the king did not have the authority.


  • Sugar Act

  • British put a tax on sugar products, and sent tax collectors to enforce the tax.

  • Colonists protested, attacked tax collectors, and smuggled in sugar goods.


  • Stamp Act

  • British put a tax on paper products such as contracts, newspapers, and magazines.

  • Colonists boycotted British goods, and the rallying cry of, "No taxation without representation" began.


  • Townshend Acts

  • More British taxes on things like glass and paint. Also, British could search for smuggling without evidence.

  • More boycotting, and more violent protesting in the streets.


  • Boston Massacre

  • British shot and killed 5 unarmed colonists including Crispus Attucks, a former enslaved African said to be the first killed in the American Revolution.

  • Talk of going to war begins. Samuel Adams creates a Committee of Correspondence to secretly communicate among the colonies.


  • Tea Act

  • British put a tax on tea, and allowed only one company to sell tea in the colonies.

  • Colonists claimed Britain was interfering with trade business. Sons of Liberty plotted a protest.


  • Boston Tea Party

  • Sons of Liberty disguised as indians dumped over 350 crates of tea into Boston Harbor.

  • British closed the harbor, demanding the colonists pay for the tea, and passed new laws to hurt the colonists.


  • Intolerable Acts

  • British passed four new laws to punish the colonists for the "Boston Tea Party" (this included closing the harbor and the Quartering Act which allowed British soldiers to move into colonists' homes.

  • Colonists decided to meet to protest and plan more serious actions.


  • First Continental Congress

  • Delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies (not Georgia) met in Philadelphia. They wrote a Declaration of their Rights to send to King George.

  • Britain sent MORE soldiers to the colonies and decided to arrest some of the colonial leaders (like Sam Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock).

**Also, be able to describe in your own words what "No taxation without representation" means! (The colonists had to PAY but in government, they had no SAY!)

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